Meeting Agenda: January 19, 2014

Mohawk Community Grange Meeting Agenda: January 19, 2014 Visitors: Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good...

Trees Are Selling Quickly

As of December 28, 2013 we have only 19 Red Cedars and 80 Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pines left for sale. All 150 of the Redwoods have been spoken for. We have a little over $700 in pledged orders and gifts towards the building fund. People have been very generous....

Meeting Minutes: December 15, 2013

Minutes of December 15th meeting in red print. Mohawk Community Grange Business Meeting Agenda-Visitors– Erica and Andrew (Mohawk Loop Art Coop Project) started sharing their ideas about having a figure art class held at the Grange possibly on Wednesday after or...

Meeting Agenda: December 15, 2013

Mohawk Community Grange Business Meeting Agenda December 15, 2013 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good...

Meeting Minutes: November 17, 2013

Mohawk Community Grange Business Meeting Minutes November 17, 2013 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome: (Co-Leader – Barry R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the...

Meeting Agenda: November 17, 2013

AGENDA November 17, 2013 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading  Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”  Bring to Order:...

Harvest Festival – Saturday, October 19, 3-8 PM

Harvest Festival Hosted by  The Mohawk Community Grange  This Saturday, October 19th 3-8 PM, food at 6  Live Music & Great Food Master Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving Kid’s Pumpkin carving contest(pumpkins & carving tools provided) Haystack scramble General...

Grange Business Meeting – October 20, 2013, 6:00 PM

Please note that the SASS presentation will take place near the beginning of the meeting. Mohawk Community Grange #922 – Busines Meeting October 20, 2013, 6:00 PM AGENDA Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R)...

Meeting Minutes – 09-15-2013

Mohawk Community Grange Minutes of the Meeting September 15, 2013 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob Russell) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the...