Meeting Minutes: October 19, 2014

MINUTES (download) MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY GRANGE October 19, 2014 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Readings Welcome: (Barry R) “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our...

Meeting Minutes: September 21, 2014

MEETING MINUTES (download) MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY GRANGE September 21, 2014 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Readings Welcome:(Linda M.) “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the...

Meeting Notes: August 18, 2013

AGENDA: August 18, 2013 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome: (Co-Leader – Barry Rogers) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.” Bring to Order:...

Meeting Notes: May 19, 2013

*UPDATE/CORRECTION (5/24/13) : The function at the Grange on June 1st  is by invitation only.  Anonymous will send invites.  Mohawk Valley Community Grange Meeting Agenda, May 19, 2013 Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading Welcome:...

Meeting Notes: April 21, 2013

Mohawk Valley Community Grange Agenda April 21, 2013 Welcome: Linda Mooney: ‘Thanks all for being here at the monthly meeting. We are here to give the best of our collective talents to the good of our community.’ Flag was present. All Grange accouterments are present....