Meeting Minutes: March 16, 2014

Mohawk Valley Community Grange MEETING MINUTES March 16, 2014 Dates of Interest 3/29 Move firewood to new woodshed -10AM. Please come and help! Many hands will make this a quick project 4/5 April Pre-Meeting 6PM @ Linda’s house 4/12 Road Clean up from Howard Rd. to...

Career Day at the High School

The Mohawk High School is planning Career Day on April 3rd. Details and contact info here:    Career_Day_2014 Please  consider spending the morning at the high school to talk about yourself and your work experience. Its just one morning 8:30 am til noon. Who...

Meeting Agenda: March 16, 2014

Mohawk Valley Community Grange MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2014 Dates of Interest 4/5 April Pre-Meeting @ Linda’s house 4/13 April Meeting @6PM 4/26 OPEN HOUSE Secretary’s Reporta Treasurer’s Report   Old /Unfinished: Keep track of volunteer hours! Coffee House...

2014 Scholarship Application

The Mohawk Valley Community Grange is pleased to again be able to offer a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving Valley student. Download and print the application here:  Application_2014 Completed applications are due no later than May 15, 2014.