by admin | Sep 21, 2020 | Around the grange, News, Upcoming Event
Mohawk Grange is anxious to open up again, But…. We will be abiding by the Lane County COVID-19 Guidelines that include signed paperwork for contact tracing and strict sanitation procedures. Our rental cost will be raised to pay our caretakers for their extra...
by admin | Jun 5, 2020 | General Interest, News
MohawkMessenger, SUMMER, 2020.pdf
by admin | May 2, 2020 | General Interest, News
Mohawk Messenger SPRING 2020 Sponsored by the Grange, the Mohawk Messenger is published 4 times/year. It is mailed to folks living in the Mohawk Valley, Oregon! Subscriptions are available for $10/year, email the editor at
by admin | Apr 6, 2020 | General Interest, News
Hey Gardeners! The Grange is selling 1 pound bags of our home grown and harvested BAT GUANO from our own belfry! $15 Limited supply, so contact (Call or Text)Teresa Hill at 541-912-1933. Available in Marcola with social/physical distancing. This stuff rocks as...
by admin | Feb 25, 2020 | Grange Business, News
The March Grange meeting will be moved from March 15 to March 22. Update your calendar accordingly.
by admin | Apr 1, 2017 | General Interest, Grange Business, News
Applications are now being taken for this year’s Mohawk Valley Community Grange Scholarship. One scholarship in the amount of $500 is available, which will paid directly to the college or institution. High School GPA /. Grades and community service will be...