Meeting Agenda: March 16, 2014

Mohawk Valley Community Grange MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2014 Dates of Interest 4/5 April Pre-Meeting @ Linda’s house 4/13 April Meeting @6PM 4/26 OPEN HOUSE Secretary’s Reporta Treasurer’s Report   Old /Unfinished: Keep track of volunteer hours! Coffee House...

2014 Scholarship Application

The Mohawk Valley Community Grange is pleased to again be able to offer a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving Valley student. Download and print the application here:  Application_2014 Completed applications are due no later than May 15, 2014.

Read Across America – Share your love of reading

Please join us for Read Across America Day, Monday, March 3rd. Each year we celebrate this event at our school. We will be having a school wide reading celebration to commemorate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. This will be a day filled with enjoying books, talking about Dr....

New Art Class Starting

New Class at the Grange A new art class will be offered every Wednesday starting March 19th. Class will be from   6 – 8 pm every week.  This will be hosted and taught by Erica, with a live model for 3d  drawing and sculpture.  Attendees are asked to split the...

Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2014

Mohawk Valley Community Grange Minutes 2/16/14   Bring to Order: Given by Linda M. “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.” Reading:  From Jan.19, 2009 Mohawk Grange...