Minutes of the Grange Meeting May 17th, 2015 download doc
- Attendees: Bob R., Gail W., Julie A., Teresa H., Barry R., Thorp M., Julia M., Linda M.
Addition to the Agenda:
- June 13th-Lion’s Dinner at Lee Downings Memorial Park. Ask Grange to sell desserts.
- June 28th to July 2nd-Received mail about Grange State Convention and Raffle of Goodie Baskets-profit goes to the Junior Grange .
- July 31th- Chairs and Tables privately rented
Dates of Interest
- 6/13 June Pre-Meeting…Where? At Teresa’s House. That same day we will be at the Lions’ Dinner, serving desserts at the Park.
- 6/21 June Regular meeting
- Others? Julie A. wanted to let us know the 5gal. Cooler for Drinks. The one mark MVG is to be used only for water.
Old /Unfinished Business:
- Caretaker business Electricity payment checked.
- Scholarship winner? So far we have received 4 applications. They are 1 from Mohawk, and 3 from Thurston H.S.
- Banner? For Booth-Julia will look for the one used at the Mary Cole Parade.
- Dessert fundraiser at Lion’s Picnic vote Julie A. made motion. Bob R. seconded. Passed. Julie will call Lions and see if they will charge $10 for a dinner. This will include dessert from the Grange Dessert Table. We also will sell whole pies and other goodies.
Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report: The basket Fundraiser has not been totaled yet. The total in our bank account is $3495.
- Grange Refresh & Facilities Committee Teresa will check with Tammy F. at the store and see if we will be in charge of the parking for Mary Cole Day.
- Fundraising Committee: Julie A. said we will have one more basket sale at the Church’s Sale in June. She will find out the date.
New Business:
- Projects for 2015: Linda M. made the suggestion “instead of thinking about giving the kitchen a whole facelift. I think it would make sense to do some small upgrades right away.” I got this idea when talking with Licia S. She was mentioning what would make putting on dinner event safer, more convenient and up to code is to have 3 sinks and a oven that can handle big pans. Julia mentioned new tables that are not as heavy as the old tables.
- Linda made a motion and Teresa seconded that we spend $200 for maybe 4 tables, 8′. Teresa was going to check at the price at Costco.
- Other? Julie A. will get our First Aid Kit together.
- Raffle: Barry made the motion. Thorp M. 2nd. We voted to buy 12 tickets to win a goodie basket and the profit goes to the junior Grange activities.
Meeting adjourned