Sheriff Tom Turner will be holding a Community Awareness Meeting in Marcola at the Mohawk Valley Fire District on June 27th from 6-8pm. Sheriff Turner will be discussing some of the challenges the Sheriff’s Office is facing and will cover some of the volunteer opportunities available to the public. He will be available to answer questions and address concerns as well. See the invitation below:
Lane County Sheriff Tom Turner invites you to a Community Awareness Meeting
Date: Wednesday, June 27th 6-8pm
Location: Mohawk Valley Fire District
92068 Marcola Rd, Marcola
Sheriff Turner would like an opportunity to meet with your community to discuss emerging issues and have time for questions and answers from community members.
Please join us and bring along your questions, thoughts, and ideas.
For additional information, please contact Lane County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer, Sergeant Carrie Carver at 541-682-4179 or via email at
Hope to see you there!
Sheriff Tom Turner