Mohawk Community Grange
Meeting Agenda: January 19, 2014
Visitors: Erica and Andrew
Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading
Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Bring to Order: (Co-Leader Barry R) “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”
Reading: The purpose of life is not to be happy-but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all. ~Leo Rosten
The Way It Is by William Stafford There’s a thread you follow. It goes among Things that change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it, you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you can do can stop time’s unfolding. You don’t ever let go of the thread.
Attendees-Gail, Barry R., Teresa H., Bob R., Julie A., Laurie S., Julia M., Lon O.
Guests-Erica S. and Andrew
Standing Items:
- Dates of Interest
- 1/19 January Meeting
- 1/25 Kevin Matthews-5-8:30PM- candidate for East lane County Commissioner. Come and party with us to listen to Kevin’s campaign with good food, live music, friends, and rousing speeches. Featured speaker Jerry Rust.
- 2/8 February Pre-Meeting at Bob R’s house
- 2/12 – 2/14 Valentine’s Day Cookie Delivery
- 2/5- 6:30pm Scholarship meeting at Grange Coffee House
- 2/15- Grange Refresh and Fundraising at Linda M. house at 10am.
- 2/16 February Meeting
- 3/15 Yoga Fundraiser Dinner: Focus-“ Tyre the AncientPort to the Orient.”
- 3/19 Art Class starts= a new weekly figure modeling group at 6:00 to 8:00pm. Organizer is Erica Shetaline at 541 933 2568, 9am-7pm. Hope to see you there. Cost and materials will be talked about. The medium will be oil clay (plastilina). No experience is required.
Treasurer’s Report –Teresa- Last month ending total was about $2800. But Teresa has the result from the tree fundraiser and other projects to enter into to account for this month. The ending result of the Tree Fundraiser is $810.00. This will be dedicated to the scholarship fund. A big Thank you goes to Lon O and Janice Endicott for time and money. The Trees were donated by Curt and Kitti Michell, a big Thank you for their support. We had 20 Community Members purchased these trees. This will add more clean air to our community. This is a wonderful Fundraiser.
Quarterly Report due January 31st Are we on it? Yes, Juliana C. will have it mailed.
Old /Unfinished:
- Grange Caretakers: Electricity count. Laurie S. checked and gave information to Teresa.
- What are Thorp’s jobs?
- A motion was made to make $200.00 available for purchasing siding for the outside of the Grange Hall. (Lon O. made motion, Barry R. 2nd it and we passed it) Bob R. was interested in pursuing this.
- Caulk around the wood covers on north windows? One window left to finish.
- Table Stacking Mechanism-Bob will bring caster to the Grange.
- Plywood on North Window Thorp is on it.
- Short barrier fence by the river????
- Motion Light Installation – Bob / Lon will help. Thorp will do this. It was decided the light goes on the SE corner along the ramp. This light was donated by Home Depot to Julie A. for the Grange, Thank You.
- Light for closet in main Hall needed-Julie is going to check with Home Depot. This light needs to run by a battery
- They need replacing – Bob will do it. The combination has been changed. If you don’t know the new numbers. The caretakers Thorp and Kelly will help you.
- lock box – working; no key under mat any more
- Survey/Easement Report Bob has contacted Randy with offer. Bob has not heard back.
- Fire Extinguishers Teresa has taken this project over.
- Coffee House Wednesdays: How goes it? Laurie The coffee house is really working well. Laurie plans to do more advertising. Everyone thinks the signs Malorie made are beautiful. Thank you Malorie.
- Bats Report Steward Perimeter will come Friday to the Grange at 9:30am to discuss the bats housing. Please come and join in. Or send or call your questions to Julia (541 915 9392) , Barry (541 933-1100) or call the Grange and leave your question with the Thorp and Kelly.
- Rentals – Lon O:
Announcements /Acknowledgments: A motion was made to gift Janice Endicott a Friend of the Grange Membership for 2014. (Bob R. moved, Laurie S. 2nd and it passed}. A motion was made to gift Thorp and Kelly a Friend of the Grange Membership for 2014. (Bob R. moved, Julia M. 2nd and it passed). A motion was made to gift Eve and Dan a Friend of the Grange Membership for 2014. ( Julia M. moved, Teresa 2nd, and it passed.
Membership Com. Barry R. and Hospitality Com.Laurie S. Will be sending out Congratulations and Thank You’s and inviting them to our Open House, April 19th.
- Grange Refresh & Facilities Report –present were Julie A., Bob R. , Linda M., Laurie S., Barry R., Lon O. and Julia M. We talked about using the State Grange Grant. This Grant is for the restoration of the GrangeBuilding exterior. The committee thoughts were to start with the replacing of windows, repairing siding and gravel on easement road.
- Fundraising Committee plans discussion Planned Fundraiser is “Valentine Gift” of a dozen cookies and roses for $25 and students- ½ doz. and a rose- $15. If each Grange member sold at least two gifts that would be great. The money is for restoration of the Grange. Laurie S. has design an order sheet for the Valentine Treats delivered to Your Sweetie. You can pick your form up at the Grange or web site. More detail about the fundraiser at the end of the minutes.
- Membership Committee Barry and Laurie are working together on a database program and thanking all the wonderful people who have supported our Grange.
- Scholarship Committee Lon O., Laurie S., Julie A., and Julia M. are reviewing all the materials and updating some of the forms. We will meet Feb. 5th at 5pm at the Grange Coffee House. Please join us if you are interested.
- Who’s on it?
- Deadlines etc
- Financial Information
Tracking How Busy We Are!
- Write down our activities, just how busy we are!
- Estimate and fill in the Community Service Semi-Annual Report-Julia is doing this for the months July to Dec. of 2013. This will be sent to State Grange office. We need to think of a way to keep track of the hours through out the year. I will try to have a plan at our next meeting.
New Business:
- Music Festival – Bob’s Ranch – August 8, 9, 10 –A motion was made by Lon O. that the Grange will rent our tables, chairs, kitchen stuff and etc. for a price to be voted on by membership. Also, we will not rent the Grange Hall Aug. 8, 9, 10. (It was seconded and passed.) Bob mentioned that all ticket for the Music Festival for friends and community members will cost $15.oo. This profit will be donated to Food for LaneCounty. You’re quite a guy Bob. We appreciate your generosity. Thank You.
- Rent tables from the Grange
- No weekend rental that weekend
For the good of the order: The meeting ended at 7:30pm
- Thank You to special people and groups
Valentine Fundraiser Bakers:
I’m thinking about 3 to 4 doz. cookies- anything over that will be fine. We can save them for the Open House in April. These are the names of the Cookie Bakers= Laurie-bars, Linda-Choc. Chip, Julia-coconut dream bar, Teresa-sugar, Diane–ginger, Julie-macaroons, Gail-bars, Cindy-Choc. Nougat.
We could use more bakers. Cookies can be brought to the Grange by Jan. 10 and put in Fridge. We will need help putting the gifts together on the Feb. 11 about 9 to 12 noon. Who will deliver the gifts? Bob, Barry, Lon???
Call Julia about baking cookies and delivery. 541 915 9392
The Order Forms will be at the Grange and on the web site .
Thorp and Kelly will be taking Orders.
Call Laurie if you need more forms. 541 933 3378.