Mohawk Valley Community Grange




Bring to Order: Given by Linda M. “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”

Reading:  From Jan.19, 2009 Mohawk Grange Minutes: Read by Teresa H.
“Eve K. asked us to take a minute to silently celebrate the historical evening of the inauguration of Barak Obama.  Afterward she made some statements about the importance of this new president.  All present were positive.”

Attendees:  Members Present:  Linda M., Bob R., Teresa H., Laurie S., Lon O., Julia M., Julie A.
Friends:  Kelly M., Thorpe M.


  • 3/8    March Pre-meeting:   Bob R. at 6pm, potluck
  • 3/15  Dinner Fundraiser for Yoga
  • 3/16  March Meeting 6PM-Invite Spencer Creek Grange to talk about Farmer’s Market.
  • 3/19  Art Class at the Grange
  • 3/29  Fundraiser Com. meets at Grange-Time-10am.
  • 4/13  April Meeting 6PM
  • 4/19  Easter Celebration at Julia and Dan M. Begins about 11pm-4pm  Brunch, Easter Egg Hunt.
  • 4/26  Open House Time?

Secretary Reports:  Minutes from last meeting January 19th 2014, Linda M. made motion, Lon O. 2nd, Members approved.

Treasurer Report:  Made by Teresa H.:  Total: $3698.34

  • Tree Fundraiser by Lon O.= $1192.00
  • Scholarship Funds = $983.00


  •  Need a Person to pull together a list of phone no. and emails of friends and members. Barry R. was mentioned. Lon has now agreed to do this – THANKS Lon!
  • Coffee House- Doing Well.
  • Rentals- Lon O. March 15th-Valley Yoga Class, May- Round Abouts- Group
  • Community Involvement-Keeping Track of miles, time, and money.
  • Caretaker:
  1. Frame and caulk N. Window and cover other window with plywood.
  2. Portable holding unit for tables- Bob R. has castors.
  3. Landscaping-Julie A. found 3 gal. Rhododendrons for $3.50.   She purchased 8. Thank You, Julie A.
  4. Kelly is starting to go through all the cabinets in the kitchen.  She will try to organize stuff.
  5. Motion lights put in hall closet and back room by stage. Thank you, Julie and Home Depot.
  • Easement Update: Before Randy and Deb move.  They would like a meeting with John W. and Bob R..  Bob will follow through and meet with them.
  • Bats in the Belfry Update:  Bob R. suggested putting tarps in the attic where the bats nest so the bat guano would drop into a bucket.  Lon made a motion, 2nd, approved by members.  Thorpe and Bob will go up and measure the area so they know the size of tarps they need. They are hoping to get this done in the next two weeks.
  • Julie A. spent a $50 gift certificate the Grange acquired at Restaurant Supply Store.  She was able to get some much need kitchen items.  Thank You, Julie A. Thanks Wendy K. for donating the certificate.
  • Motion Light- Lon and Thorpe will wire the light.  This wiring will get done in the attic, sounds tough. This is up and working. Thank you Thorpe and Lon.

Fencing near the river-Laurie said there are some bumpers at the restaurant that should work.  This will let people who park along the river for events at the Grange, not to go any closer to the river’s edge than the bumpers.

Fire extinguisher- In the trunk of Bob’s car.  Someone needs to remind him to leave them at the Grange.  Thorpe They are up. Thank You!


Announcements/Acknowledgements:  Committees

  • Grange Refresh & Facilities-Mentioned replacing windows in the kitchen as first improvement project. Thank You Thorpe for getting all the older wood firewood on the back porch and spreading the gravel.  Thorpe would like to better the landscaping around the Grange.  Julia suggested putting down some chicken wire so the turkeys couldn’t dig our plants up.
  • Fundraising Committee-Valentine Fundraiser made over $350. Teresa hasn’t tallied all the money that Julie collected, as of the meeting.  Thank you goes to Juliana, Kelly, and Thorpe for stepping up to help create the Valentine’s cookie trays.  Next year, the amount of cookies should be more. Bob recommended a paper box gift wrap.  Julia suggested better advertisement.
  • Bats Guano-Lon will measure the amount of Bat guano we collect.  Let Julia know how many plastic bags and labels are needed.  Laurie will design the labels.  We hope to have these ready for March 15th at the Yoga Dinner.
  • Scholarship Committee-Lon O., Laurie S., Julia M. have completed all the tasks to getting this scholarship information to the High School and Home Schoolers.  Emma H. and Pam Hewitt were contacted  for the Home School Students.  For all students the scholarship information will be in a article in the Mohawk Messenger and on our website by March 15th.  The deadline is May 15th to receive application. This committee has updated all materials related to the Scholarship Program.

New Business

  • Open House–April 26th-Promote New Friends and Members, Skit, Music, Potluck.  Time??
  • Membership and Friends- We need a coordinator maybe Barry?  Laurie S. said the Lions use a buddy system.  This means when we get a new member or friend one of us will be their buddy and invite them to meetings and events.  Teresa H.  said she could bring the new names each month to the meetings. The coordinator would make a list of Friends and Members.  They would update information.
  • Farmer’ s Market-The motion was made to explore the possibly of sponsoring the Market with another organization. Bob 2nd this motion, and the members approved.  Susan Maier is the person who contacted us.  She really would like this to happen.

Meeting adjourned