Minutes of December 15th meeting in red print.
Mohawk Community Grange
Business Meeting Agenda-Visitors— Erica and Andrew (Mohawk Loop Art Coop Project) started sharing their ideas about having a figure art class held at the Grange possibly on Wednesday after or during the coffee hour. The class would begin about 6pm, maybe starting in March. Erica will get back to Linda M. with final plan. They are becoming members and this class will be open for community to participate, very exciting. There will no rent charge.
December 15, 2013
Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading
Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Bring to Order: (Co-Leader Linda M) “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”
Reading: Malorie shared this poem. “All the Hemispheres,” by Hafiz.
Attendees: Linda M., Bob R., Teresa H., Lon O., Julia M. Laurie S., Thorpe M.
Guests: Erica and Andrew (Mohawk Loop Art Coop Project)
Standing Items:
- Roll call of officers: Linda and Bob- leaders, Teresa- treasurer, Lon-rental of Hall, Laurie-fundraiser events, Thorpe-Hall caretaker, Julia-Secretary
- Dates of Interest
- 12/19 7th Annual Marcola Community Christmas Party – Delana needs volunteers
- 1/11 January Pre-Meeting – Eve and Dan’s House
- 1/19 January Meeting-Linda won’t be there.
- 1/25 Kevin Matthews-5-8:30PM- candidate for East lane County Commissioner. Come and party with us to listen to Kevin’s campaign with good food, live music, friends, and rousing speeches. Featured speaker Jerry Rust.
Treasurer’s Report –Teresa- Pay Pal is working for the Grange on our Website. Teresa and Heather worked together to make this happen. You can still send your membership dues by mail but you can also go on line and use Pay Pal. All the instructions are there. Linda M. tried it and it worked! The Grange and Teresa want to thank every person who helped with this project but a special thank you goes to Heather Madras, who helped with the final touches.
Quarterly Report due December 31st –Will be sent to Linda soon. It needs to be completed and mailed by January 31, 2014
Old /Unfinished:
- Grange Caretakers: Electricity count. What are Thorp’s jobs? Did they pay their bill? Paid previous bill and checked the KWH on meter for the new month-Done
- Caulk around the wood covers on north windows- Thorpe will do this.
- Woodshed project – Done!
- Extension cord over kitchen door problem – Done! Fire Marshall came OKed the kitchen. We have an electrical extension cord on stage, exit sign to fix and fire extinguishers to update and check how they are fastened to wall.
- Survey/Easement Discussion – Bob Report- Bob’s suggestion is- to gravel the road on the eastside up to the big tree and he will talk with Randy. Laurie moved and Bob seconded that we vote to spend $175 or more if needed for gravel for this easement road. Passed
- Coffee House Wednesdays: How goes it? Laurie –Laurie is thinking about starting the coffee hours earlier, about 2pm during winter season. Watch for time change.
- Bats? Julia M—Steward P. is busy. Will contact him for Jan. Meeting
- Rentals – Lon O. —one rental —Dec. 28th , a family reunion.
- Motion Light, lock box, Grange Security, Keys- Thorpe suggested a note stating that the caretakers can help with any problem opening the Grange door be placed underneath the lock box. Linda will do this. The motion light is still in Julie A’s car. We need to get this and give it to Thorpe or Bob.
- Piano tuned…Allocate funds. Julia pd. $60. Thorpe donated $5 and Laurie $20 to Julia.
Announcements /Acknowledgments: Linda Mooney received calls about clearing brush around the Grange. Thorpe said, “He had done this. Bob came by and checked on what was done. Bob was pleased. Thorpe plans to landscape the best features at the Grange, so they can be seen and used. It will be a park setting for Grangers and Community members to enjoy. Linda will contact Jared to come look at this project. We want to add some native plants. Julia and Dan have cable for safety near the edge of the river. We will need posts probably metal or treated wood.
Lon-mentioned that he has sold 185 trees. Ellen and Lon’s fundraiser made $512 for the scholarship fund.
- Grange Refresh & Facilities Report—Committee will meet January 4th, Saturday at 10am at Linda’s house
- Fundraising Committee plans discussion
- Membership Committee
- How is Julie C. doing with the membership job? She responded and is doing just fine.
- Membership Committee
Tracking How Busy We Are!
- Write down our activities, how busy are we? We need to check with Malori.
New Business: New Officers for the coming year…they start in January
- April 19, 2014 – Open House
- Yoga Fundraiser- Indian Dinner-Feb.15
For the good of the order:
Submitted by Julia Mooney, Secretary – December 17, 2013