Mohawk Community Grange

Minutes of the Meeting

September 15, 2013

Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading

Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob Russell) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”

Bring to Order: (Co-Leader – Linda Mooney) “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”

Reading: Linda provided us with the saying, “You are never too old to do something goofy,” – Ward Cleaver.

Attendees:  Bob, Linda, Barry, Laurie, Teresa, Julia, Thorpe, Kelly


Standing Items:

  • Roll call of officers:
  • Dates of Interest
    • 9/21 Clean up grange & road 10:00 am
    • 9/21 Fundraising committee after the clean up
    • 9/28 private rental
    • 10/5 pre-meeting at Laurie Smart 6:00 pm
    • 10/5 private rental 2:00 pm – midnight
    • 10/5 – 10/6 Barn Festival at Penny & Bill Englert’s
    • 10/19 Harvest Festival
    • 10/20 October business meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • August – $4,500 starting, $2,189.87 ending
    • Meter @ 345, $.078
    • $10 per month for second phone number with separate ring
    • Could just run an extension to Thorpe and Kelly’s, using the Grange number
    • Barry moved that we do that, Teresa seconded, unanimous

Old /Unfinished:

  • Survey/Easement Discussion
  • Bob left Randy a message saying that the State Grange would not approve our proposed solution (moving road next to John White’s property) – Grange needs to keep existing road.  Bob still needs to follow up with Randy (who has been off fishing).
  • Grange Caretakers: Thorpe and Kelly had agreed to 20 hours per month.  Grange has the obligation to provide list of priorities.  Priorities will be determined by the facilities/fundraising committee, wrapped up on 9/21 meeting.
  • Coffee House Wednesdays: Has been going okay.  A number of non-grange members have been coming.
  • Rental Pages need to be changed on the website, to reflect Lon as the contact person, as well as other updates.
  • Rental Policy Changes?
    • Return of rental deposits need to be formalized, with checks returned within a week.
    • Question of whether $100 might be too high.
    • Recommended that deposit should be set to a minimum of $100 with the potential that it could be set higher depending on the circumstances.
    • Recommend that a cleanup fee of $20 / hour be explicitly identified on the agreement.
    • Lon will mark up rental agreement and return for Barry to posting.

Announcements /Acknowledgments:

Facilities/Fundraising Committee: (  )

  • Committee met and began process of identifying facilities priorities, which will drive fundraising requirements.  Next meeting scheduled for September 20 following the road and Grange cleanup.

Membership Committee:

  • Next quarterly report is due end of October, based on membership as of 9/30
  • Teresa will check with Julie Connell about whether she is willing to take over Membership responsibilities
  • Barry will take over secretary responsibilities – will follow up with Wendy about responsibilities beyond minute taking

New Business:

  • SASS presentation:
    • Jenna (541-484-9791 X318)
    • October 20th meeting
    • Will take place at beginning of monthly meeting
    • Grange will assist with publicity
    • Food Bank relocation: Still in progress
    • Barn Festival – October 5/6
      • What can we do to raise money
      • Investigating what we could do – coffee, cocoa, chai
      • Julia will take the lead as this is coming up before the next meeting
      • Jim White’s passing was noted and it was decided that the Grange would send a card to John White acknowledging it.

For the good of the order:
