by admin | Feb 14, 2012 | Around the grange, General Interest, LEPP, News
February 11th was a busy day at the grange. Really busy and fun. First up in the morning there was the Local Emergency Preparedness Planning (LEPP) workshop put on by the Sustainability Committee. The turn out was amazing with reportedly over 100 people participating....
by admin | Feb 1, 2012 | Around the grange, General Interest, News, Upcoming Event
An Evening of Amore February 11th Meet and Greet-6:30pm to 7pm Dinner at 7 Music at 8 Dinner & Dessert Manicotti & Stuffed Shells Soup & Green Salad Garlic Toast Sparkling Cider Cheesecake & Coffee Music! Provided by Jess Harris and his “Band of...
by admin | Jan 20, 2012 | Around the grange, News, Upcoming Event
The Mohawk Valley Lions will start Texas Hold ‘Em beginning Saturday at the Grange! With the closing of the Tomahawk, the Lions will be using the Mohawk Valley Community Grange as the site for Texas Hold ‘Em, BINGO and many fun activities! Call Joe Miller...
by admin | Nov 23, 2011 | Around the grange, General Interest, Grange Business, News, Upcoming Event
Please join us on Saturday December 3rd NO BUSINESS pre-Grange potluck. It will have a holiday theme. Wear your favorite Christmas sweater, bring a new item (I prefer not to get new panty hose, but if you must!) wrapped in recycled paper for a ‘White...
by admin | Nov 7, 2011 | Grange Business, News
From Lance: Hi All, The following names are the people I have down as having indicated interest and time for the Vision Statement Committee. If you are not on this list and are interested, please let me know and I will get you added. Vision Statement Committee Members...
by admin | Oct 26, 2011 | Around the grange, General Interest, News
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