Mohawk Valley Community Grange
Minutes October 17, 2011
Welcome: Joan Barattta-in for the sick Chair: ‘Thanks all for being here at the monthly meeting. We are here to give the best of our collective talents to the good of our community.’
Flag was present.
Bring to order: Assist Chair: We had a lot of info to cover and skipped to the Roll Call
Reader: Julia read an inspiration message.
Assist Chair:
Present: Wendy Kimball, Joan Baratta, Julia Mooney, Heather and Jim Madras, Lance Lindsey and Hillary Schloss, Laurie Smart and Teresa Hill.
Standing Items:
Roll Call of Officers: Chair, Assistant Steward and Membership/Recording Secretary, Facilities Manager, and Greeter.
Minutes: Joan motioned September 2011 meeting minutes be accepted, Hillary 2nd no discussion and passed.
Check and approve calendar for November:
• 11/12: Pre Grange Meeting @ Deb & Althea’s
• 11/21: Grange Business Meeting 6:30-8:30 PM at Grange
• 11/16: Sustainability group meeting 7:30 PM at Grange
• Yoga every Wed PM and Thurs AM at Grange
• 12/3: Pre Grange Holiday Pot Luck
• 12/19 December Meeting Planned
High School Home Coming went well-good job of cleaning up!!
The Yoga Class is called the ‘The Valley Yoga Class’.
No wreaths this year.
Reports from Committees:
* Art Committee(Cindy): No update
* Community/Elder care committee (Wendy & Julie Connell) No update.
* Membership Community (Joan, Bob Russell, Julia Mooney & Wendy) Joan was trying working with
a local woman to rent the Grange every Tuesday morning. Lance suggested to try it out and then
negotiate a cheaper long term deal.
* Sustainability: (Julia) Disaster preparedness in February
* Facility (Lance): Lance fixed lower steps. He will finish the rails. The locks are done on the storage doors. The PA system will be wired and up. He bought gutters. Researching metal rails. He found another entrance of bees hole should be plugged. We need to put plastic up where the bees were.
* Treasurers Report: (Julie Connell/Teresa Hill) Teresa gave report. See attached for details.
Old Business/Unfinished Business:
Tom & Joan will talk to Julie about being able to attend meetings. The group decided in the case that Julie will pass on the duties Hillary nominated Teresa Hill for Treasurer, Laurie 2nd.
Bob Goodness regrets but he cannot do his duties. So, the Vice Chair is open. Heather nominated Lance for Vice Chair, Wendy 2nd.
Julie Angel has no longer attends meeting and is not the Lecturer. Wendy nominated Heather Madras Joan 2nd.
* Last minute Harvest Festival arrangements?
* Minimum membership requirements for Grange: Promote ‘Friends of the Grange’ pay dues, but not to the Oregon or National Grange
New Items:
• Formation of new Committees- Vision Committee-Lance, Wendy, Jim, Heather, Julia, Barry, Teresa, Althea and Laurie.
• PAC-Tom, Linda, Bob R.
• Creation of flower beds at new park-work with Lions to create and maintain garden. Julia, Teresa and maybe Ellen.
• Bulletin Board -Julia.
• Words for Thirds-Althea
• Schedule for road clean up for February or March
• Hillary would like to purchase a first aid kit for the Grange. Joan motion for $100 budget for Grange safety supplies. Jim 2nd no discussion. Passed.
• The Mohawk Water Shed need someone to make signs for their annual clean up. Please contact Julia Mooney.
For the good of the order:
Closing: The Board meeting is ended. Displayed items are stored.
Minutes submitted by Wendy Kimball.