Mohawk Valley Community Grange
Minutes May 21,2012
Welcome: Barry Rogers “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Flag, Grange Symbols, and Inspirational Books and Reading
Asst. Chair: Let’s please bring this meeting to order
Assistant Chair: “Our meeting will begin with a moment of silence”
Reader: (Guide) A chosen passage to inspire us.
Present: Wendy Kimball, Tom Baratta, Joan Baratta, Teresa Hill, Julia Mooney, Laurie Smart, Barry Rogers
Guest: Mark and Susan Noah
Standing Items:
1. Welcome and Roll call of officers.
2. Approval of minutes for April 2012 meeting. Joan motioned to except the minutes, Teresa 2nd passed.
3. Check and approve calendar for June, 2012
- 6/9/12: Pre-grange meeting at Theresa Hill’s house 6:00-8:00
- 6/18/12: Grange Business Meeting 6:30-8:30 PM at Grange
- Yoga every Wed PM and Thurs AM at Grange
- Tai Chi every Thursday AM at Grange
4. Announcements /Acknowledgments
5. Welcome Guest Speaker Mark Noah will provide a history and the meaning of Grange rituals, and lead those who would like to in the Obligation/Membership Ceremony. Invited the Mohawk Grange to the Pamona Meeting June 30, July 1st & 2nd @ Triangle Lake.
Reports from Committees
- Legislative (ad hoc) – Tom (arrived late, no update)
- Facilities person (Joan, Julia) – Set meeting time for Caretaker Committee First meeting set for early June
- Arts Committee: (Ellen) – no update
- Membership Committee: (Wendy, Joan, Julia, Bob R., Tom B.) No update
- Rentals: (Wendy) – update VFW is still meeting on the 2nd Monday of every month
- LEPP: (Ellen, Laurie) Most of the communication is online and good turnouts.
- Treasurers Report: (Julie C/Teresa H) Bills and Accounts-
- Executive Committee- (Bob R, Dan M, Linda M, Wendy K, Tom B.)
- Fundraising – Laurie Smart
- Scholarship – (Linda Mooney, Julia, Tom) Joan motioned to make the scholarship check of $500 out to Andre Farque. Tom 2nd passed.
Old Business/Unfinished Business:
- Develop on-line/off line budget request – Heather/Jim: no update they were not present
- Work day set for Saturday May 26th @ 12:00.
New Business:
- Events Committees- held off till June meeting
- Reggae Festival – Need coordinator is Julia & Julie and will meet before the next meeting.
- Lock Box for front door-security and access concerns.
- Hang gutters – Schedule work day
- Skid proof the ramp – seal & sand
- Close hole from bee removal. Ken has volunteered if we buy materials – need to measure and buy siding – (Joan)
- Mow lawn/weed
- Shed removal
For the good of the order:
Closing: The Board meeting is ended. Displayed items were stored. We closed the meeting and the flag was put away. Minutes submitted by Wendy Kimball.