May 15th 2024

Meeting called to order 6:04 pm

Present: Linda Mooney, Kalen Halter, Kurt Halter, Julia Mooney, Gail Weathers, Thorp McClaren, Kelly McClaren, Marcia Fisher, Fred Choske, Steven Heider, Donna Heath

Dates of Interest:

6/8 – Pre meeting – Julia’s if weather is nice otherwise at Linda’s
6/9 – Bring LOTS of desserts for Music in the Park
6/19 – Regular Meeting
7/20 – Game Night or Bunco
8/10 – Booth at RoadHouse event

Read and vote:
April minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report – Teresa
$2482.14 end of April
$145.73 Hughes net bill, $110 to be paid by Thorp

Caretaker/Rental Manager Report
Rental June 8th & August 17th

Yoga – Donna, donations for a yoga teacher, excess monies to be applied for insulation underfloor.
Motion for yoga class to pay $100 per year, motion approved
Kurt will check with insulation company for prices
Wood Gathering was successful, May 30th for wood stacking 9:00 am
May – Game Night or Bunco – July 20th, 7:00 pm, doors open 6:00 pm
Grange Flyer to be created by Kathleen
Scholarship update. Meeting Tuesday, May 21st to review applications
Deadline is May 16th.

New business:
Art group change in day for their group, to be changed to Wednesday
Planning for 2024 – one event per month June – Music in the Park
July – Game Night
August – Poker games; Point Person – Kurt & Kalen
September – Potluck, market
October – Harvest Festival, Road Cleanup, Nominations
November – Bingo, Elections
December – No events
Irving Grange having Scottish festival May 25th

Adjourned 7:03 pm

Sincerely, Kalen Halter, Secretary