Mohawk Community Grange Meeting
Monday, March 19, 2012
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The meeting was called to order at 6:40
In attendance: Tom Baratta, Joan Baratta, Bob Russel. Julia Moony, Laurie Smart, Teresa, Barry Rogers
Teresa moved to approve last month’s minutes, Tom seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously
The calendar for April was reviewed
- 4/14 : Pre-grange meeting 6:30 at Bob Russel’s house – Potluck everyone welcome
- 4/14 : Clean up will also occur on this date – Lion’s will join us
- 4/16 : Grange Business Meeting 6:30-8:30 PM at Grange
- 4/21 : Open House and Play
- Yoga every Wed PM and Thurs AM at Grange
- Sustainability group has disbanded and needs to be removed from the Yahoo calendar
Announcements /Acknowledgments
- 3/24 : Green Grange workshop in Silverton – carpools will depart from the Grange at 8:30 am
- Thank you to Ellen & Laurie for organizing & educating the community on disaster preparedness.
- BINGO & Texas Hold ‘em – Lions club
Officer Nominations: Lance has submitted his resignation as co-Chair due to moving out of the area. The Co-Chair has the responsibility to act in the Chair’s behalf when absent, serve on the Executive Committee and other duties as assigned ☺
Joan nominated Barry to become new Co-Chair, Laurie seconded the nomination, it will be voted on at the next meeting
Reports from Committees:
▪ Vision Committee: (Lance)
The Vision has been approved and has been incorporated into the membership application and onto the web site.
The Mission statement remains to be completed. The suggestion was that there should be a committee formed to work on it. This was tabled for a future meeting.
▪ Arts Committee: (Ellen)-Global Art Project
No update
▪ Membership Committee: (Wendy, Joan, Julia, Bob R., Tom B.)
Joan reported that we redid the membership application to reflect the Friend of the Grange status (FOG) as well as the mission statement
▪ Sustainability: Disbanded – remove from calendar
▪ Treasurers Report: (Julie C/Teresa H) Bills and Accounts-
Teresa H provided the treasurer’s report.
Starting balance: $2,146.01
Ending balance: $2,226.01
Laurie moved to accept the report, Bob Russell seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
▪ Executive Committee- (Bob R, Dan M, Linda M, Wendy K, Tom B.)
▪ Fundraising: Laurie
Laurie agreed to head this up
Old Business/Unfinished Business:
▪ Resolution on Alcohol Policy – note rental application alcohol use statement – who will write resolution for the State Grange?
As there will be discussion on this, and other, issues at the Green Grange meeting this Saturday, we will wait until after that to report on the discussions and our way forward
▪ Insurance for the Grange – Pay as is; reducing deductible will reduce only $64/yr
Joan reported that it has been paid
▪ Adoption of Vision Statement Development of Mission Statement
This has been done
▪ Develop on-line/off line budget request
It was reported that Jim and Heather are working on a form
Related to budget, Teresa requested money for coffee, creamer, tea and juices for open house
Laurie moved that we authorize up to $50 Tom seconded the motion and it was unanimous approved
Teresa also requested assistance with organizing deserts and managing the coffee, drinks and deserts during the event
BUILDING / WORK DAY NEEDS: When is next work day?
▪ Lock Box for front door-security and access concerns.
▪ Hang gutters
▪ Skid proof the ramp
▪ Close hole from bee removal. Ken has volunteered if we buy materials
This was tabled for a future meeting
There was discussion of reader board – several members asked what the cost would be for a new one
It was noted that Bob Russell has already purchased supplies to fix it – based on approved at an earlier meeting
Joan noted that she would rather put money into old neighborhood watch sign
It was noted that we also have access to the old neighborhood watch sign at the north end of the valley
New Business:
Possible events committee-Tony Farque would like to get a group together, Saturday Bingo, Open House, Reggae Festival
▪ Possible fund-raising committee – Laurie Smart is interested in participating
▪ Update current rental agreements: Yoga, Lions Club, VFW
▪ JennAir Range, dishwasher & microwave donation
It was confirmed that the VFW is still meeting, believed to be the 2nd Monday of each month.
It was suggested that we need to have new rental agreements executed for Yoga, Tai Chi and VFW – Julia and Joan will follow up
Barb and Tom are donating a JennAir Range, dishwasher and microwave
The consensus of the group was that we are happy to accept the range and microwave, but not the dishwasher (for a variety of reasons, including concern about power requirement)
Tom will send a ‘thank you’ and a tax receipt
Julia wanted to know if the Grange would like a rug from Holly to raffle
The consensus was that we were, but it was noted that we need to follow rules for raffles (specific end date)
There was discussion about ideas for Mary Cole Days – what can we add to the booth?
Joan recommended that Laurie talk to Tammie at the market about MCD
Tom will investigate smoothie bicycle
There was additional discussion of the play and open house
Julia will donate $50 for the sign
Tom will talk to Lions about rescheduling Bingo and Texas Hold’em around other activities in April
For the good of the order:
Closing: The Board meeting is ended. Displayed items are stored.