MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY GRANGE, July 19, 2015 (download doc)
Members Present
Thorp M., Linda M., Barry R., Teresa H., Sydney A., Julie A., Julia M.,
Dates of Interest
- 7/24-26 Human Nature Fest
- 8/9-10 Mary Cole Celebration
- 8/16/15 August Regular meeting
- 9/12/15 September Pre-Meeting – Where? Linda M.
- Others?Grange Hall rented
- 7/25 Wedding
- 7/31 tables rented
- 8/8 Reunion?
- 8/9 Wedding
- 8/15 Wedding
- 8/23 In Memory of Kirk Murdoch
Treasurer’s Report: Teresa H. gave ending total of acct. = $3565. Coming up this month. We will pay our Insurance bill of $500. Our scholarship winner, Gia Charley will need $1000 sent to the school, she will be attending in the fall.
Old /Unfinished Business:
- Caretaker business – Petty Cash spent $60. Monthly amt. is $40 owed $20. Electricity bill- $29.84. Given monthly petty cash of $40 for August.
- Pump needs repair, cabinets on back porch given to Grange from Roadhouse Rest. will go in the kitchen?
- Thank You goes to Barry R. for the ceiling tiles and cabinets. To Thorp for putting the tiles up in the hallway. The hallway looks great, now. Barry said there is more ceiling tiles at the restaurant.
- New parking spaces by the pump house were really needed. This area looks great cleaned up.
- Human Nature Fest Plans-Julie A. is coordinating the booth. Needs 12 volunteers for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Booth will be opened from 9am to 9 pm. The shifts will be 4hrs. long. Julia will get the volunteers. We will be selling ice, bottled water, and drinks.
- Thank You to Julie A, Sydney A. Jim (Sydney’s Friend), Dana and Rachel from Tipi Village, Julia M., Jim and Judith Mc C., Ola M., Juliana C., Ralph S., Kevin H., Carl and Hope M., Katrina M., Dan M. for your volunteer time and special Thanks to Julie A. for ironing out all things needed to make the booth happen.
- Mary Cole Celebration Plan-Parade-Julia and Juliana C. will help decorate vehicle for parade. The Old Time Fiddlers will be riding and playing music on the flat bed during the parade. Bob R. will provide the flatbed and straw for seating. Thank you, Bob R. Julia is considering buying some watermelons giving out slices during the event.
- Trifold board- Needs someone to make this. This will be something we can use to advertise the Grange when we have different events.
- Sydney’s dues paid? Paid.
Committee Reports:
- Grange Refresh & Facilities Committee- Date for Grant writing application is September 15th. Need estimate for porch, steps and electrical box. Ben Mooney for estimate on painting the Grange.
- Fund-raising Committee
New Business:
- Grant writing? Sept. 15th due date
- Discuss fee for renting the Grange Hall and staying overnight at the Grange in preparation for the event the next day.
Good of the Order?
Friends Who Need Us?