Mohawk Valley Community Grange
Minutes February 20,2012
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Welcome: Joan Baratta “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Flag, Grange Symbols, and Inspirational Books and Reading
Asst. Chair: Let’s please bring this meeting to order
Assistant Chair: “Our meeting will begin with a moment of silence”
Reader: (Guide) A chosen passage to inspire
Present: Julia Mooney, Wendy Kimball, Tom Baratta, Joan Baratta, Jim & Heather Madras, Ellen Fursnter, Teresa Hill, Lon Otterby, Linda Mooney
Guest: None
Standing Items:
Roll call of officers
Approval of minutes for January, 2012 meeting. Teresa made a motion to approve and Linda 2nd it. Approved. No discussion.
Check and approve calendar for March, 2012. Made some changes, see calendar events.
- 3/19/12: Grange Business Meeting 6:30-8:30 PM at Grange
- Yoga every Wed PM and Thurs AM at Grange
- 3/17/12 Pre-Grange meeting @ the Linda’s.
- 3/10/12 Green Grange meeting Tom will give us time and location.
Announcements /Acknowledgments
- Thank you sustainability committee for organizing & educating the community on disaster preparedness. The group discussed future events and how they will proceed. There is a meeting planned for 3/17/12 @ 10:00AM. There will be more decisions when we speak to Laurie.
- Amore dance not a big crowd, but a good time. A good day for our Grange.
- Bob believes things are moving forward for Reggae Festival this summer.
- Thanks to Julie Connell for the beautiful new sign on the front porch and to Ellen for the sign on Marcola Road.
- The woodpile is gone-Thanks for the help Grangers and Lions.
- Thanks to all who helped with the Feb 5th clean-up.
Officer Elections:
Reports from Committees:
- Vision Committee: (Lance) Lance will be leaving the Grange and moving out of the area. We will find a new person to head it up. It will be tabled for the time being. Linda motioned to accept the new ‘vision’. Tom 2nd passed.
- Arts Committee: (Ellen)-Global Art Project 3/24 12:00-4:00PM
- Membership Committee: (Wendy, Joan, Julia, Bob R., Tom B.) New form with new vision statement. We discussed the new form and the different benefits.
- Treasurers Report: (Julie C/Teresa H) Bills and Accounts-ending Feb 20th.
- Executive Committee- Bob Russell, Dan Mooney, Linda Mooney, Wendy Kimball, Tom Baratta, Heather Madras
- Old Business/Unfinished Business:
- Resolution on Alcohol Policy: Joan presented the rental agreement with the new policy.
New Items:
- Joan asked the group for input about the monthly Monday meetings and how we perceive the meetings should be. We decided that the monthly meetings are for business and the pre meeting can be for the agenda.
- LEPP Event-Nice Job!!
- Insurance for the Grange. Joan and Tom researched and what we have cannot be changed or revised there is not a better price available.
- Develop on-line/off line budget request. Laurie has a plan and Joan will get with her to post on the web.
- Possible events committee-Tony Farque would like to get a group together, Saturday Bingo, Open House, Reggae Festival. Discussed and there still needs more planning. Something to think about. Tom will talk to Tony.
- Fundraisers: Laurie is interested in organizing several projects. There will be a discussion with her.
- Skid proof the ramp. Tom discussed some of the projects that need to be done on the Grange. We scheduled a clean up to include some of these items.
- Lock Box for front door-security and access concerns. Who’s using the grange/current rental agreements. Not discussed.
- Possible refrigerator donation-Kitchen improvement. One of the Lions is willing to donate a refrigerator. Joan will contact Barbara to proceed.
For the good of the order:
Closing: The Board meeting is ended. Displayed items are stored.We closed the meeting and the flag was put away. Minutes submitted by Wendy Kimball.