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Meeting MINUTES: August 21, 2024

Meeting called to order 6:05 pm by President Linda Mooney

 Present: Linda Mooney, Kalen Halter, Kurt Halter, Julia Mooney, Gail Weathers, Thorp McClaren, Teresa
Hill, Donna Heath, Michelle Freese, Leatta Freese, Jean Giudry, Cindy Murdoch, Lisa Dumas, Andreas
Armstrong, Kegan
 Dates of Interest:

 9/7 – Premeeting at Teresa House
 9/18 – regular meeting
 10/26 – road cleanup
 11/9 – Bingo
 Read and vote:

July minutes approved
 Treasurer’s Report – Teresa

End of July balance $414.18
 Caretaker/Rental Manager Report
One Rental on September 7th

 Communications

Plumbing was replaced from the septic tank to the building. The rest of the
plumbing needs to be done at a later date. Receipts were submitted to Teresa for
Caretaker job description clarification postponed until September meeting
Marcola Roadhouse event was not very successful. $61 was earned selling the
Bat Guano.
Canceled poker night 8/24, possible reschedule to January or February
Officer nominations in October

 New business:

The Veterans clothing drive will be held at the fairgrounds on 9/27
Have donations at Teresa's house by 9/15 at 92163 Marcola Road
10/5 Harvest festival
Bingo Prizes needed for November Bingo
10/26 road cleanup
Adjourned at 6:54 pm..