Minutes August 21, 2022 6:00 p.m.  (download as PDF)
The Flag, Grange symbols and Inspirational books were present.
Linda Mooney welcomed the Grangers and called the meeting to order.
Present were: Linda Mooney, Thorp McClaren, Kelly McClaren, Teresa Hill, Donna Heath, Kalen Halter, Julia Mooney, Gail Weathers
Reading: “When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say. (contributed by Linda)

Dates of Interest
8-27 Bingo
8-21 Regular Meeting
9-10 Pre-meeting at Teresa’s house 9-21 Grange Meeting—6 p.m.
10-22 Harvest Festival
Secretary—Gail–The Minutes from July were read and approved.
Treasurer—Teresa—balance at the end of the month is $2353.97
COVID-19 Declaration forms and procedures have not changed since last month.
Caretaker/Rental Manager Report –Thorp and Kelly—There’s a 21st birthday party on Sept. 3. The firewood needs to be split and stacked. Thorp has acquired a safe for the Grange.
Communications—Gail—there was nothing to report.

Old/Unfinished Business
*BINGO is scheduled for 8/27. We are now collecting items for prizes. We will also need cookies. We might need a kid’s prize or two.
*Thorp needs help with splitting and stacking the firewood.
*We need to consider another day of the week for the Grange monthly meetings. Art Group meets Tuesdays, 6 p.m. Second Mondays the VFW meets here.
*Linda shared her trip to Barry and Martha’s wedding, and showed the invitation—a gold and red box. *Lew would like help with his firewood after fire danger is over (See addendum chart)

New Business:
It was moved, seconded and passed that we move the regular Grange meetings to the third Wednesday of the month from now on, instead of the usual Sunday, (see new date of interest).

For the good of the order–nothing new. Adjourned 6:35

Respectfully Submitted, Gail Weathers, Secretary