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SEPTEMBER 18, 2024, at 6:00PM

Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols, and Inspirational Books are present.
Welcome: (Linda) "Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of
our collective talents for the good of our community. Let's please bring this meeting to
Reading:: Guard your spirit! To dwell on the unfairness of life, is to be devoured by it.
Supreme Court judge, Katanji Brown Jackson’s MOM
Additions to the Agenda?

Dates of Interest

 10/5 – Harvest Festival
 10/13 – Pomona is at Walterville@10:00AM
 10/16 – Regular Meeting
 10/26 – Road cleanup
 11/9 – BINGO
Read minutes from last meeting- Kalen
Treasurer’s Report – Teresa

Hughes Net: See Receipts for breakdown
Caretaker/Rental Manager Report – Thorp & Kelly

 Rentals?
 Concerns or comments

Unfinished Business

 Plumbing Job Completion?
 Caretaker Job description – go over & discuss
 Harvest Festival Plans?
 9/27 Clothing Drive for Vets – Teresa
 Nominations for officers in October
 Election of officers at November meeting

New Business

 Julia has a question for the group
 Secretary and Vice President swap jobs?
 Phone bill changes –
o Change to a business name
o Set up auto pay
 November- Bingo Need Prizes!! Elections
 December – Pay for Teresa’s Notary credentials

Good of the Order