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Mohawk Valley Community Grange
Meeting Agenda, February, 20th 2012
Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols, and Inspirational Books and Reading
Welcome: (Tom-Chair) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Bring to Order: (Asst. Chair) “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”
Reading: (Guide) A chosen passage to inspire.
Assistant Chair: “Our meeting will begin with a moment of silence”
Guest Introductions: (Gr)
Standing Items:
- Roll call of officers
- Approval of minutes for January, 2012 meeting.
- Check and approve calendar for March, 2012
- 3/19/12: Grange Business Meeting 6:30-8:30 PM at Grange
- 3/21/12: Sustainability group meeting 7:30 PM at Grange
- Yoga every Wed PM and Thurs AM at Grange
- 3/10 or 17/12 Pre-Grange meeting @ the Grange?
- Announcements /Acknowledgments
- Thank you sustainability committee for organizing & educating the community on disaster preparedness.
- Amore dance not a big crowd, but a good time. A good day for our Grange.
- Bob believes things are moving forward for Reggae Festival this summer.
- Thanks to Julie Connell for the beautiful new sign on the front porch and to Ellen for the sign on Marcola Road
- The woodpile is gone-Thanks for the help Grangers and Lions
- Thanks to all who helped with the Feb 5th clean-up.
- Officer Elections:
Reports from Committees:
- Vision Committee: (Lance)
- Arts Committee: (Ellen)-Global Art Project
- Membership Committee: (Wendy, Joan, Julia, Bob R., Tom B.) New form with new vision statement
- Sustainability: Report on Event-Next steps?
- Treasurers Report: (Julie C/Teresa H) Bills and Accounts-
- Executive Committee- (Bob R, Dan M, Linda M, Wendy K, Tom B.)
Old Business/Unfinished Business:
- Resolution on Alcohol Policy
New Items:
- LEPP Event-Nice Job!!
- Insurance for the Grange
- Adoption of Vision Statement Development of Mission Statement
- Develop on-line/off line budget request
- Possible events committee-Tony Farque would like to get a group together, Saturday Bingo, Open House, Reggae Festival
- Skid proof the ramp
- Lock Box for front door-security and access concerns. Who’s using the grange/current rental agreements
- Possible refrigerator donation-Kitchen improvement
For the good of the order:
Closing: The Board meeting is ended. Displayed items are stored.