At the last Grange meeting it was voted  that a new committee, the Vision Committee, be formed and Lance Lindsey has taken on the responsibility of organizing it. Here is his call for participation.

Hello Fellow Grange Members and Mohawk Valley Residents,

In an effort to make our Grange more relevant in our lives and our community we have decided to start a committee that will take stock of what we want and need from our grange in these changing times. After reflecting on what our grange could and should be, we will create an updated Vision Statement. Once approved by our members, the Vision statement may help to inspire our grange culture, guide our interactions with the community, direct our service projects and be the focus of our by-laws.

We are seeking members to be on this important committee. Please send me an email or give me a phone call so I can inform you of when and where the committee meetings will be held once they have been scheduled. If you are not a Grange member or if you can’t make it to the committee meeting, we’d still like to hear from you! Just give me a call or send me an email and tell us your thoughts on what you’d like to see our new Grange Vision look like. I look forward to hearing from you.


Lance Lindsey