Meeting Agenda: July 19, 2015

MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY GRANGE, July 19, 2015 Dates of Interest 7/24-26 Human Nature Fest 8/9-10 Mary Cole Celebration 8/16/15 August Regular meeting 9/12/15 September Pre-Meeting – Where? Others? Treasurer’s Report: Old /Unfinished Business: Caretaker business Human...

Meeting Minutes: JUne 21, 2015

MOHAWK VALLEY COMMUNITY GRANGE, June 21, 2015 Download Doc › Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Readings Welcome: (Linda M.) “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our...

Meeting Minutes: May 17, 2015

Minutes of the Grange Meeting May 17th, 2015 download doc Attendees: Bob R., Gail W., Julie A., Teresa H., Barry R., Thorp M., Julia M., Linda M. Addition to the Agenda:   June 13th-Lion’s Dinner at Lee Downings Memorial Park.  Ask Grange to sell desserts.  ...

Meeting Agenda for May17, 2015

Dates of Interest 6/13 June Pre-Meeting…Where? 6/21 June Regular meeting Others? Old /Unfinished Business: Caretaker business Scholarship winner? Banner? Dessert fundraiser at Lion’s Picnic vote Committee Reports:  Grange Refresh & Facilities Committee Fundraising...