Spring Issue of the Mohawk Messenger

Mohawk Messenger SPRING 2020 Sponsored by the Grange, the Mohawk Messenger is published 4 times/year. It is mailed to folks living in the Mohawk Valley, Oregon! Subscriptions are available for $10/year, email the editor at lindamooney39361@gmail.com.

Grange Bat Guano for sale – safe exchange!

Hey Gardeners! The Grange is selling 1 pound bags of our home grown and harvested BAT GUANO from our own belfry! $15  Limited supply, so contact (Call or Text)Teresa Hill at 541-912-1933. Available in Marcola with social/physical distancing. This stuff rocks as...

Agenda for February 16, 2020

MEETING AGENDA  FEBRUARY 16, 2020 at 6:00PM (download) Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books are present Welcome: (Linda) “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community....