About the Grange

What is The Grange?

The Grange, officially known as the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, is a non-sectarian, non-partisan fraternal organization with a rich history and a community presence in the United States. It was originally formed back in 1857 in order to encourage American farmers to band together for their common economic and political well-being.  The Grange now often serves as the backbone and hub of a rural community. Our members are your neighbors and friends, all of whom share a love agriculture, the rural lifestyle, and the goal of making life better for everyone.  For more information on the National Grange, see www.nationalgrange.org The Mohawk Valley Community Grange meets in the original Mabel schoolhouse, circa. 1897.    The goal of our Grange is to foster fellowship, community, and camaraderie among the members and others living in the Mohawk Valley in Oregon.  Our members come from many backgrounds,  and range in age from 10 to 80 but we all share a strong belief in the value of rural living.

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