Mohawk Community Grange
Meeting Agenda: January 19, 2014
Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Reading
Welcome: (Co-Leader – Bob R) “Thanks for being here. We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Bring to Order: (Co-Leader Barry R) “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”
Standing Items:
- Dates of Interest
- 1/19 January Meeting
- 1/25 Kevin Matthews-5-8:30PM- candidate for East lane County Commissioner. Come and party with us to listen to Kevin’s campaign with good food, live music, friends, and rousing speeches. Featured speaker Jerry Rust.
- 2/8 February Pre-Meeting at Bob R’s house
- 2/12 – 2/14 Valentine’s Day Cookie Delivery
- 2/16 February Meeting
Treasurer’s Report –Teresa
Quarterly Report due January 31st Are we on it?
Old /Unfinished:
- Grange Caretakers: Electricity count.
- What are Thorp’s jobs?
- Caulk around the wood covers on north windows?
- Table Stacking Mechanism
- Plywood on North Window
- Short barrier fence by the river
- Motion Light Installation – Bob / Lon will help
- They need replacing – Bob will do it
- lock box – working; no key under mat any more
- Survey/Easement Report
- Fire Extinguishers
- Coffee House Wednesdays: How goes it? Laurie
- Bats Report
- Rentals – Lon O:
Announcements /Acknowledgments:
- Grange Refresh & Facilities Report
- Fundraising Committee plans discussion
- Membership Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Who’s on it?
- Deadlines etc
- Financial Information
Tracking How Busy We Are!
- Write down our activities, just how busy we are!
- Estimate and fill in the Community Service Semi-Annual Report
New Business:
- Music Festival – Bob’s Ranch – August 8, 9, 10
- Rent tables from the Grange
- No weekend rental that weekend
For the good of the order:
- Thank You to special people and groups