Mohawk Valley Community Grange
April 21, 2013

Welcome: Linda Mooney: ‘Thanks all for being here at the monthly meeting. We are here to give the best of our collective talents to the good of our community.’

Flag was present. All Grange accouterments are present.

Bring to order:
Assist Chair: (Bob Russell/Barry Rogers) ‘Now is the time to bring together our thoughts and ideas for this Grange meeting.’

Reader: Linda Mooney chose an inspirational passage.

Chair: “As friends, neighbors, and Grange members keep in mind that thoughtfulness, charity and integrity in all our interactions will bring the sense of community that we all value.”

Assist Chair: “Our meeting will begin with a moment of silence to remember the importance of our world, country, state and local community.”

Present: Laurie Smart, Lon Otterby, Bob Russell, Ellen Furstner, Linda Mooney, Barry Rogers, Wendy Kimball


Roll Call of Officers: Laurie Smart, Lon Otterby, Bob Russell, Ellen Furstner, Linda Mooney, Barry Rogers, Wendy Kimball

Approve the minutes from last meeting. Laurie moved to pass the minutes, Barry 2nd no discussion. Passed.


Check and approve calendar for May/June:
* 5/11: May pre meeting at Ellen & Lon’s @ 6:00 PM
* 5/19: Grange Business Meeting 6:00-8:00 PM at Grange
* 6/8: June pre meeting at Teresa’s? @ 6:00 PM
* Yoga every Wed PM and Thurs AM at Grange


Music and dancing at the Grange on Saturday June 1st. ‘Frequent Fliers’. There will be a fee to attend.
Anonymous will do all the advertising.
Discussion about a raffle or a silent auction. Selling chili or soup? Brownies?
More at the next meeting.

Reports from Committees:
* Treasurer’s Report (Teresa)
* Reggae committee (Julie A./Julia)
Candy Bars will be ordered for sale: Julia will do this..
Strawberry Shortcakes: made by Julie Connell
July 25th & 26th
* Mary Cole Celebration (Anybody? Float?) No discussion.
* Membership Community (Barry)
* LEPP: (Ellen)
* Scholarship committee: (Ellen/Julia/Laurie.)
* Facilities: (Tom) Barry gave an update. The architect met with them for 2 hours. The 3 main issues: weather proofing the building, update the kitchen and listing the Grange with the ‘NRHP’. The advantages would help fundraising. The kitchen is the main project. It makes it more appealing to rentals.

Dan & Julia Mooney finished the railings.

Julia Mooney put new cork on the board in the mail room.

Old Business/Unfinished Business:
* Update on Yahoo Group; MVCG Website – Heather?
a. Online payment form set up? Heather was not present.
* Railings for both sets of steps by 4/15 Done
* Scholarship Applications? (Ellen/Lon) Applications are out there. No response yet.
* Architect (Barry) See above.
* LEPP Art contest (Laurie)
-Budget and donations procedure
-Prize purchasing etc through Grange

New Items:
• Birdhouses (Susan Maier?) Susan was not present.
• Rental problems with the neighbors.
Let’s make sure the rentals are aware of the parking agreements.. One of us will deliver copies of the agreement to the neighbors and will give several phone numbers for them to call immediately. We discussed not renting to that particular rental. It as suggested that a letter be writtent to the people that rented that night. It was suggested to add ‘under age drinking not allowed but there is wording in the agreement at this time. Wendy moved to give each neighbor a rental agreement, get the facts about the night of the event and write a letter to the people that rented it. Barry 2nd. Passed. It was discussed to add to the rental ‘to ask each rental to stay on the Grange property.
* There was discussion about member emails.

Email additions:

Next meeting’s business:

We closed the meeting and the flag was put away.

Minutes submitted by Wendy Kimball.