Minutes October 17, 2021 6:00 p.m.
The Flag, Grange symbols and Inspirational books were present.
Teresa welcomed the Grangers and called the meeting to order.
Present were: Teresa Hill, Thorp McClaren, Kelly McClaren, Bob Russell, Gail Weathers
The reading: The best way to wake up with a smile on your face is to go to bed with one already there.
Dates of Interest: October 30—Gordie Stevens’ birthday party, (a private, family gathering).
The minutes from the September meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report by Teresa Hill—balance as of September 30 is $369.55 (Insurance premium of $675 was paid in August—next premium is due in February).$600 has been awarded and received for Grange improvements.
COVID-19 Declaration forms and procedures continue—no updates have been received.
Caretaker/Rental Manager Report –Thorp and Kelly—No rentals other than Gordie’s. Daughter Liza will be responsible for getting guests to sign in on Covid form and give phone numbers.
New Business: At November meeting we will officially nominate officers and then vote on the positions for 2022. Current officers are: Linda Mooney—Master; Bob Russell—Overseer*; Unfilled—Chaplain; Teresa Hill—Treasurer; Juliana Connel Co-Treasurer; Gail Weathers—Secretary, Carrie Jackson—Co-Secretary; Julia Mooney—Lecturer; Thorp McClaren—Caretaker; Kelly McClaren—Rental Manager; Linda Mooney—Editor, Mohawk Messenger.
*Bob has said that he will decline the nomination
Respectfully Submitted,
Gail Weathers, Secretary
en received.
Old/Unfinished Business:
New Business: Committee for elections needs to convene. Present officers are: Linda Mooney—Master; Bob Russell—Overseer; Unfilled—Chaplain; Teresa Hill—Treasurer; Juliana Connel, Co-Treasurer; Gail Weathers–Secretary, Carrie Jackson, Co-Secretary; Julia Mooney—Lecturer; Thorp McClaren—Caretaker; Kelly McClaren—Rental Manager; Linda Mooney– Editor, Mohawk Messenger.
For the Good of the Order: Julia reported that Kelly Fisher is the contact person for the Agriculture project at the Community Center, if a person would like to volunteer.
Adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Weathers, Secretary