Minutes of the Grange Meeting

September 18, 2016

Regalia presented.

Dates of Interest are as follows:

October 1- Road Cleanup 10am to noon (Linda can’t be there but is willing to get the stuff (9sets)

October 8- Pre meeting, dinner at 6pm at Teresa’s house.

October 16th Grange Meeting 6pm hourly rates and daily rates for use of Grange Hall,—to take effect in January; 

November 12th -Pre meeting—to be scheduled

August Minutes were tabled—Julia ill.

Treasurer’s Report- Teresa H. reported August bank balance- $1509.60 ($227 or $272 from Music in the Park was collected).  There were $200 in petty cash receipts.  $50 were given to Thorp.  He needs to be reimburse $171.44.

Under Old Business-Caretaker / Rental Manager reported a full schedule for October.   October (Mallory didn’t follow through), Wedding Reception, and a four-hour booking for a baby shower.  Thorp will assess bat guano then take orders to be delivered at Spring Festival ( Oct. 22nd is too soon).

* It was moved, seconded and passed to pay Thorp $171.44.

There is an issue with dogs not being under control and pooping here and there.  Donna will make signs   that read: Please Keep Your Dog on a Leash.  People have used stove wood on bonfire.  Donna will make a positive sign regarding wood usage.

Harvest Festival Final Planning

Linda will submit notices to Springfield Times, Register Guard, and Heather.  Donna will notify KEZI, KMTR, and radio KRVM.  Email will go to members and friends.

Activities Planned are:

Cornbread, Chili, and Dessert Contests. We have tickets for People’s Choice.

Cindy M. will bring the reindeer.  The Bhangra Dancers will perform. (They cancelled)

Croquet game will be set up.  Quilt called Rainbow and Raindrops will be raffled.

Linda will make a picture poster about it.

Volunteer Hours for August are 428 ¾ including those who helped with the booth at the Music Festival.

Committee Reports:

1.Scholarship reports all checks were cashed.

2. Refresh and Facilities Reported on by Thorp.

New Business:

Nominate Officers for 2017.  Current Officers nominated by acclimation except– Julie A. is no longer a member.  Julia M. nominated for Lecturer; Gail W. was nominated for Secretary.  Bob R., Barry R. and Linda M. keep their position. Teresa H. and Julianna C. are Co-Treasurers, Julia M. and Gail W. Co-Secretaries.

The hourly and daily rental of the Grange building to be worked out by the November Meeting.

A person to take charge of “Our Friends of the Grange”.  They will make calls, etc. and encourage their participation-a good job for the Lecturer.

Teresa on the Audit:

Deb did the audit.  Books are in orders. Everything in audit was favorable.  Julianna C., as Co-Treasurer, will keep the materials.

Bob R. reported that there was only an envelope (with papers in it) in the safe.  He gave that to someone.

Good of the Order:  Nothing Reported.

Regalia Items Put Away.

Adjourned at 7:10pm

Submitted by Gail W., Substitute Secretary.