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Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books and Readings

Welcome: (Linda M.) “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”

Bring to Order: (Co-Leader-Barry R.)  “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”

Reading: Celebrated Summer Soltice- John Song

Attendees: Linda M., Teresa H., Sydney A., Julie S., Roxanne, Carrie J., John A., Julia, Gail W. Bob R.

Addition to the agenda: 

Michael Friedman from the Human Nature Fest

Dates of Interest

  • 6/13 June Pre-Meeting…Where? No Premeeting for July.
  • 7/18 Cleaning and Organizing Grange Building. 10Am to Noon.
  • 7/19 Regular meeting at 6pm.
  • Others?
  • 7/25 Wedding at Grange Hall
  • 8/8, 8/9 Mary Cole Celebration
  • 8/16 Hall rented?

May Meeting Minutes:  Approved: motion by Teresa H., 2nd made by Bob R.

Treasurer’s Report: Total in acct.- $3511, Insurance paid $600.

Old /Unfinished Business:

Caretaker business: Not present.  Teresa H. will let them know about electrical useage.

  • Scholarship winner results: Jia Charley-Winner received $1000 scholarship from Grange.
    • Changes for next year?
    • Advertise earlier, April and May.  Make sure there is an article in Messenger Newsletter about the Scholarship.  Grange Representative is given a certificate to hand the winner.   Applicants come to Grange or Scholarship committee to meet.  Put student I.D. on check.  Bob R. would like to see a letter written to LCC.  The purpose would be so tracking the scholarship money would be easier and to make sure the scholarship was used.
  • Human Nature Fest Plans: 7/23, 7/24, 7/25-Promoter Michael Friedman is present.  Linda M. asked Julia M. to call and get info on event.  He offered free booth and tickets to event for all people who worked in Grange Booth.  He, also, wanted to meet with the neighbors who have opinions about previous events held at Bob R. place.  The meeting is Sat. 6/27 at the Grange, Noon.  Info about meeting was advertised on the Grange readerboard.  He was interested in the Grange serving some kind of desserts.  They have a reefer truck to store ice and perishables after hours.
  • We would have to set up on Wed.  He thought Friday might be slow on sales. Booth size 10′-10′
  • Julie A., Sydney A. and Julia M. were interested in heading a committee for this event. Bob R. made a motion of $500 for committee to stock booth, Julie A. seconded.
  • Mary Cole Celebration Plans:  8/8, 8/9
  • Parking- Teresa H. will check with Tammy.
  • Parade- Julia M. needs a flatbed truck for Old Time Fiddlers. How does the Grange want to decorate it to show our present in the parade?
  • Booth- Are we going to do a booth this year?  Teresa H. will check with Tammy on the fee.  A motion was made for $50 be set aside for this booth. Bob R., and Julie, seconded.

Committee Reports: 

  • Grange Refresh & Facilities Committee
    • Julia and Linda’s Field Trip to Walterville Grange.  Will be discussed at next meeting.
  • Fundraising Committee
    • Dessert fundraiser at Lions BBQ
      • Successful?
      • Yes, because we were present and visiting with lots of Marcola’s residents.  Made a $100 on homemade desserts.

Future plans?

New Business:  Sydney wants to become a member.  She knows she is always volunteering to help with different projects but she can’t afford the membership dues right now.  Bob R. made the motion to pay her dues this year.  Julia seconded.

Good of the Order?

Friends Who Need Us?

Meeting Adjourned