April 17, 2016 Minutes

Displayed: Flag, Grange Symbols and Inspirational Books
Readings: Imagine Song, Never BBQ without a sprayer. When power of love replaces the love of power, the world will know Peace.
Welcome: (Linda) “Thanks for being here.  We have the opportunity to give the best of our collective talents for the good of our community.”
Bring to Order: (Barry)  “Let’s please bring this meeting to order.”
Present: Barry R., Thorp Mc., Linda M., Gail W., Donna H., Teresa H., Julia M., Carrie J.

Dates of Interest
5/4 MWP Meeting at H.S. Library 5:30 to 7pm
5/7 Pre-Meeting –Teresa H.
5/8 Mother’s Day
5/14 Road Clean up 10:00 AM
5/15 May Regular Meeting
5/21 Music Festival Booth Planning Sat. at 10am
6/7 MWP’S BBQ & Annual Meeting
6/11 Music in the Park
8/6 Mary Cole Day
8/19 to 8/21 Bob’s Music Festival

Read and vote on approval of minutes from last meeting – Julia
March minutes Approved

Treasurer’s Report – Teresa $1483.03

Old /Unfinished Business:
Caretaker/Rental Manager business – Thorp
Linda let us know the last rental put their Wedding pictures on our website. There was a mix up with the family and the Grange Hall did not get clean. This family agreed to pay Thorp and Kelly their $100 cleaning fee.
Malori’s rental discussion? Waiting for Malori to come to a meeting. Some thoughts about painting signs for using Grange Hall.
Carpet on stage is bad – what shall we do? Talked about pulling the rug up. Suggested to Thorp to pull up one corner and take a look at the floor.
Stove Donation – Thank You note – Julia? Done 4/18 delivered to Thorp. He gave it to Jim and Jennifer, thanking them again.
Other Stuff? Toilets are fixed. Ramp has been repaired. Roof is sagging, needs to remove moss. The path along the west side of Grange is in bad condition. The plan is to lay a new sidewalk and work on steps at the same time. Julia and Barry were going to ask Stephanie and Mike Foxx to come and look at the site. Mike might have some ideas how to repair the concrete and how much.
Thorp will be repairing the SE corner of porch with moose milk, paint primer and paint. Thanks Thorp!
Music Festival Food Booth Planning – need to decide menu. Menu has been changed to biscuits and gravy for morning and Hamburgers and in the afternoon. We will receive laminates for 4 to 5 passes. The booth needs to open around 8am and stay open until 10pm. Every shift needs one person with foodhandlers’ card. We would like a Grange member on each shift. Carrie has a cover for a 10′ by 20′.
Discuss new plan – make a timeline The committee will meet on May 21st at 10am. The committee members are Barry, Donna, Julia, & Linda.
Resource List – Needs point person – Susan Maier
Volunteer hours for 2015 for Julia – we can write it in the new notebook. Julia handed out some paper work for volunteer hours 2015. Members need to get this filled in handed back to her by May 1, the deadline in May 10th.
Spring Fest Planning Debrief
Next year make sure we have Name Tags.
About 50 people were present.
Asked Linda to put article in Grange Newsletter.
Thank You to all the BBQ cooks the chicken was cooked so perfect.
Thank You to Teresa for keeping the program rolling.
We had some great musicians out on the back porch who came in pretty late for the spaghetti noodles. They were gone. What a delicious meal!
The donation jars collected $63. We paid our dishwasher, Brook Mooney $30.
Carrie had all the auction items listed and shown with the paper work at each station. Thank You, Carrie for making the auction so successful. She has collected $640, a few people still need to pay their winning bid.
Thank You to Julianna C. for the curtains in the kitchen.
Thank You to Marvin and Melinda Goins for donating all the flowers for basketmaking.
Thank You to Melissa M. and her girl scouts. They did a great job making and sharing their baskets with people at the Open House and in the Community. They made about 20 baskets. They said “We will return next year with more scouts. This was a lot of fun.”
People enjoyed the Tai Chi demonstration.
Thank You to the Grange members for the skit. You did a good job of including of lot of Mars-colian, crows, Transfer site and co-mingling, and the finale Peter Pan’s crows.
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee – Bob R., Laurie, Donna,
Applications due May 15th. This committee needs any materials members might have from past years on our scholarship business.
Audit our books – Teresa
Teresa is working on getting this done.
New Business:
Increasing Grange Hall rent deposit.
To rent the Grange on a certain future date an amount of fee should be given. This not returnable but can be deducted from rental fee.
Discussion on renting furniture or any items from the Grange.
Resource List- Susan Maier
Amount of Volunteer Hours- Julia